Exploring ISignal and ISignalGroup Definitions in Autosar ARXML

Micael Coutinho,autosarcommunicationarxml

Understanding the intricacies of Autosar's ISignal (I-SIGNAL) and ISignalGroup (I-SIGNAL-GROUP) is crucial for efficient data exchange in automotive systems. These containers play a pivotal role in the communication, and when defined the right way in ARXML, they can save you a lot of engineering effort while configuring the COM module. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the elements, configurations, and transformations that define the backbone of these essential Autosar elements.

In this post, we will dive nose-deep into these elements. If they sound new to you, consider stopping by one of our introductory communication articles, such as Communication Stack Overview (opens in a new tab).


The ISignal container represents a SystemSignal at the interaction layer within Autosar. It allows the same system signal to be sent to multiple receivers, a concept known as signal fan-out. Most elements within the ISignal can be mapped directly to COM, simplifying manual configurations through an automatic configurator. The ISignal container includes the following elements:

ARXML contained elements of an I-SIGNAL

ARXML contained elements of an I-SIGNAL

The ValueSpecification container can take the form of one of the following subclasses for an ISignal:

ARXML sub-elements that define a VALUE-SPECIFICATION

ARXML sub-elements that define a VALUE-SPECIFICATION


The ISignalGroup container, created for similar reasons as ISignal, comprises the following elements:

Aggregation of ARXML elements that make up for an I-SIGNAL-GROUP

Aggregation of ARXML elements that make up for an I-SIGNAL-GROUP

Autosar's ISignal and ISignalGroup containers provide a systematic approach to manage and optimize the transmission of system signals in automotive communication systems. By understanding their configurations and transformations, developers can streamline communication development, enhancing the overall efficiency of data exchange, while minimizing the engineering effort involved in configuring the communication stack.

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Author: Micael Coutinho (opens in a new tab)


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